
Our true intent
is all for your delight

Black Rock City Municipal Pool

We are a queer-centered, Fire Island and New York City-based Burning Man camp whose members hail from around the planet. We’re always looking for new friends, so whether you are looking for a new camp or a crew to collaborate with, we’d love to hear from you!

An exclusive pool
for everyone to use, municipally

You’re cruising down the playa, and it’s hot. Soooo hot. What’s that? A pool? Not just any pool. Black Rock City Municipal Pool — the most exclusive public municipality on the playa.

Lounge at the playa’s only municipal pool

Come by for a refreshment at one of our open swim sessions. Lounge a bit. Stay a while. Get wet. Stay dry. Tailor your experience with a membership that gets you access to both adult swim and the deep end.

Attend restricted
public-only events

You heard that right. Exclusive. Public. Is there such a thing? Find out. Splash up dust at our Spring Break party, and every other bananza during the week… Most are planned. Some are not. Terms apply.

Access world class benefits and services

Check in with Membership Services to renew your super personalized annual membership and several other top-tier services that everyone else also receives, including a Members Only spa day.

Dive into the experience

Upcoming Municipal events

Lifeguard Training

April 10–14 | Reno, NV

Off-playa fundraisers

NYC and Fire Island Pines

Burn week program

Oh boy!

Run, don’t walk